Tile Shop Holdings (TTSH) Company Overview & Stock Price Forecast
This article provides a brief analysis and stock rating for Tile Shop Holdings (TTSH) including an updated stock price target. Additional data on the company’s earnings yield, price/earnings ratio, return on invested capital and YTD performance are discussed as well.
Tile Shop Holdings Fundamentals
Stock Price Target: $17.61
In the section below, we discuss the earnings yield, P/E, return on invested capital and YTD performance for Tile Shop Holdings in comparison to the Building Supply (Retail) industry and the S&P 500.
Tile Shop Holdings is a Small Cap company with a Market Cap of $423.1M.
The current earnings yield for Tile Shop Holdings is 30.95%, in comparison to 2.94% for the S&P 500 and 1.61% for the 10-year treasury bond. The median earnings yield for the Building Supply industry is 5.85%.
Tile Shop Holdings is currently trading at a P/E of 28.82. The P/E for the Building Supply industry is 14.48 and the P/E for the S&P 500 is 34.01.
Tile Shop Holdings is currently trading at a P/S of 1.23. The P/S for the Building Supply industry is 1.84 and the P/S for the S&P 500 is 3.09.
Tile Shop Holdings is currently trading at a P/B of 2.95. The P/B for the Building Supply industry is 40.07 and the P/B for the S&P 500 is 4.58.
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)
Tile Shop Holdings ROIC is currently 5.18% in comparison to 22.66% for the Building Supply industry and 8.6% for the S&P 500.
The YTD performance for Tile Shop Holdings is 86.05%. The Building Supply industry has a YTD performance of 14.5% in comparison to the YTD S&P 500 performance of 16.40%.
Recent Financial Results
- Net sales increased by 42% ($28.5M) to $96.2M in the second quarter of 2021 (up from $67.7M in the second quarter of 2020)
- Gross profit increased by over 46% ($21.0M) to $66.4M in the second quarter of 2021, up from $45.4M in Q2 2020
- Pretax ROCE of 13.9% TTM compared to (2.3)% for Q2 2020
- EBITDA of $82.7M
Stock Price Target: $17.61
Company Overview
Tile Shop Holdings operates as a specialty retailer of natural stone and man-made tiles. It offers a variety of tiling materials such as marble, travertine, granite, quartz and and metal, primarily under the Rush River and Fired Earth brands.
The company manufactures setting and maintenance materials, installation tools, shower and bath shelves and drains, under the Superior brand name. Tile Shop also offers a customer delivery service through third-party freight providers. As of March 2021, it operated 143 stores in 31 US states and Washington DC.
Tile Shop Holdings was founded in 1985 and is headquartered in Plymouth, Minnesota. The current CEO is Cabell Lolmaugh.
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