Stock Portfolio

Real-Time Case Study of Micro & Small Cap Companies

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Case Study: Building a Portfolio of Micro & Small Cap Companies

The portfolio below is a case study on building an investment portfolio of Micro and Small Cap companies identified in our stock database. The parameters followed are as follows:

  • Roughly six companies are added to the portfolio each quarter (the portfolio below will contain 25 companies by the close of Q4 (EOY)
  • The portfolio is concentrated in companies in the micro-cap and small-cap space
  • All companies were identified using the Simple Investing Success stock database in the stated quarter (this is to avoid any look ahead bias)
  • Each company will be held in the portfolio for a full year and then swapped out for a new investment (i.e., all companies added in Q1 2021 stock will be held until Q1 2022)
  • Each position is equally weighed at $10,000
Market data updated live during market hours. This ongoing case study is provided for information purposes only and should not be used to make investment decisions without first consulting a financial professional. Be sure to do your due diligence.
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Featured Project

Case Study: Building a Portfolio of Micro & Small Cap Companies

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This material may not be suitable for all investors and is not intended to be an offer, or the solicitation of any offer, to buy or sell any securities.

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